Our Favorite Shops and Signs this Month

Beauty Salon Barber Shop
Godly Light Beauty Salon
Many West African women spend significant
time and money on spectacular hairdos.
Typical male 'do's are not so

Amazing Coke Soul Food
This puts Coca-Cola in a new light Soul Food for chickens?

Letter Writer Cake Decorating School
A person with a typewriter,
you still have to supply the words.
Sugarcraft--Sweet is the work

Stop dumping here Real Estate
Mayor Rudi's Quality of Life
campaign has touched Ghana.
The real estate pitch--
we've heard that before!

Polio aid Highway construction aid from China
Multi-agency attack on polio Highway help from China
Have you ever driven in China??

Elder Kissi's Hospital Van The President's re-election Campaign Sign
Elder Kissi's, one of the LDS pioneers
in Ghana, hospital van
The President's re-election campaign sign

Some Elvis impersonation and memories
Does the king sell chicken?
Elvis sells chicken

The Runner-ups
To Be a Man Today's Man
Paradox of masculine... ...store fronts.

Slow Down Report Dangerous Driving
Skull and crossbones for safety You have to drive with Ghana Tro-Tros
to really appreciate the humor here!

And the Winner is...

Urine Retention Doctor
What exactly does this doctor do?
Help retain or release?
Based on what we see along the roads
most men don't have a retention problem!

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